Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Needing a vacation!

   Wow! What a crazy past week I've had! It started last weekend when I had to pack up my whole entire house to move. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't fun either! I absoulutely hate the moving process. Then I got sick with the flu but still had to go to work and school. Not fun.
   Then last Thursday, I got a call from a friend who has been going through some financial issues and her power got shut off. She has 2 boys and 1 of them is best friends with my son, so obviously I let her stay with me. It was nice having an adult to talk to since my ex boyfriend left. She ended up staying a few more days than planned but it felt good to help someone in need. She was greatly appreciative.
    My next not exciting adventure was problems with my dad. He's elderly and has been having a lot of health issues lately.So he had some problems with the room mates he has now and ended up being taken to the hospital. Now we are awaiting his fate on where he live now. It's pretty scary because he doesn't have any other family except me and my mom, who is actually his ex-wife of more than 20 years. So all day Monday I had to drive all around town doing this and that for him.
    One good thing did come out of all this craziness. I got the apartment I had applied for and I move into it in 2 weeks. I am so excited! Most people have already had multiple places by my age and think nothing of it, but this is the 1st time I have ever lived by myself. I've always lived with room mates, or my mom, and my ex-boyfriend. But I am excited because it will be mine and I'm looking forward to decorating it MY way! :) Good bleesings this year, good blessings!


  1. You kept your faith! Good luck and don't get discouraged :) I wish you well.

  2. Good luck in all of your endeavors...sounds like you have a lot going on. Take it easy and care of yourself!

    -Prof. E. Beard-
