Monday, January 20, 2014

Patiently waiting

 So today is a new week and I am waiting again. I applied for a new apartment on Friday and was suppose to hear from them Saturday and here it is Monday, and still no word. I have been unpatiently waiting for new things to happen in my life for the last 6 months. I know the old saying "All good things come to those who wait" but I feel like I've been waiting all my life! lol I think it's also my savior above giving me more patience.
 He knows how much I need this change and I feel blessed. He knows whats right for me so as of now, I will wait for Him to make his decision. I packed my whole house this weekend and what an emotional thing. It was so hard packing up the last 5 years of life and throwing out things that meant so much. I pretty much cried the whole weekend.
 But I am so ready to move forward with my life. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity of the past 5 years because it now shows me what not to go for or do with the next relationship. This experience has definitely changed some things in me. Hopefully from all this pain and heartache will come something better than I could imagine. It has made me a very stronger person.


  1. Do not try and rush your blessings. Keep a saying I heard in mind: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans"!!! The place you NEED is coming. Not the one you want.
