Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My first blog

  So this is my 1st blog. Never done anything like this before so let's see where this goes. Wonder who will find me on here if anyone? This is may be hard for me as I do not have a lot to talk about. I am a simple person who just walks the world and takes life one day at a time. Hopefully this experience will allow me to open up more about things that are going on in my life and get feedback as to how to handle them easier.
  I have a lot going on in my world right now. I'm having to become a new person. I have been given so many challenges in life. Had guys who were jerks and a baby daddy who hasn't seen his son since he was 3! Devoted the last 5 years to a man who came home one day and said he was leaving, and not just leaving, but leaving with another women. Now at 35, I'm doing the school thing, living alone, all while trying to find new ways to support me and my son.
  So if anyone knows any apartments or houses for rent in the Lake Brantley school district for under $800, hit me up! So this is  me. These are the things that I feel today. Hopefully my next blog will be more uplifting and I'll have more positive things to say. Good night! :)


  1. Life always seems to through us curve ball at the time when we least unexpect it. My advice to you is your on the perfect path of taking life one day at one time. Remember that as females we face look at life completely differently than males do, but you haven't found the right person who will hold your hand through all your trials and triumphs.

  2. Hey Traci, I feel sometimes the same way but don't anyone to discourage and you will see the difference.

  3. Don’t be hard on yourself for the things others have done. Take each experience as a growing moment and learn from them. Your life is just beginning and it will get better. I always tell myself: The women that came and went, was sent not because they were right for me. Each lady came to prepare me for the one is right for me.
