Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 Is anyone out there good at writing papers? I need help coming up with a topic to write for my medical insurance verification/billing class. The topic is due tonight. Sorry for the delay but it's hard getting to a computer unless I'm at work. So my topic has to be on this new affordable healthcare act that Obama has set forth. Maybe I could write it on how it affects those who actually can not afford to pay for insurance right now. I'm one of them! Can't afford to get healthcare so don't go to the dr unless it's an actual dyer emergency!!! I went to the E.R. about 5 years ago for bronchitis but I felt like I felt like I was dyeing! So let me know if this sounds like a good plan?
  O.k. so I found a subject to write on and now comes the fun part! Doing all the research and then putting it all together. I found out some interesting things in class about this act. They may change it to where if you don't pay for the insurance and don't pay the fees applied with not having the insurance, you could go to jail!!! What kind of ridiculousness is that? (I put that nicely)
  I think the only thing that might interest me in doing all this research is knowing what kind of consequences I may face. It would be nice to know if I would end up in jail or paying out the wazoo!
So, if anyone has any special pointers for this paper easier to write or some special sites I might get more info to make this paper better, let me know. Enjoy your week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. im very interested in this whole Obama care thing, it seems peoples work hours will be cut for favor of affording healthcare ,but I feel I need more money every month. I don't get sick every month that's for sure so which one is more important to me is a easy decision.
