Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Just venting

 I don't have a whole lot to talk about this week. I live a pretty boring life. I just go to work and then school and then home. I don't have cable right now due to the changes in my financial status so me and my son just watch Netflix all weekend. Unless he's playing Xbox. Story of my life.
 I do want to talk for a minute about how people have changed in the quality of work services that is provided. I work with a group of girls that are just LAZY!!!!! I know that my workplace isn't the greatest and we don't have the best report via internet or anything but gosh darn it's a job! It is a paycheck, no matter how small!!!
 The girls I work with have been with this company for about 11-12 years, me almost 6. I guess that's why they don't care anymore. Even though I don't make very much $, I still value my job. I do my job to the best of my abilities and even have my customer service agents only calling me for answers to questions. These girls let calls go around and around because they know Traci will answer them. They pretty much take advantage of my kindness.
 Why can't people just do what is asked of them and treat people the way they would want to be treated? Why does everybody think someone else owes them something? Work for a change!!!!
 Well that's my venting moment for the week.


  1. I completely understand what your saying!!
    Keep doing your job the RIGHT way and it will be recognized, because you are in the right!!

  2. I agree! we have a bunch of lazy people where I work and it makes it so hard to have a good repoor with the customers so they want to come back Just keep doing what you are doing

  3. I understand your frustration as well. I too wonder why people do not treat each other as they would want to be treated but they just don't. These are the challenges we face in life. I say kudos to you for doing your job to the best of your ability and not taking anything for granted. At the end of the day you will be the positive one and the one that is most happy. I truly believe that what you put out into the world is what you get back.
