Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It is what it is

So last week in class we talked about the blogging thing and was asked if we thought we might continue. I said no and now I see why! It seems like it's harder and harder to find things to write about. This week especially! I have nothing to say. Nothing in this world ever ceases to amaze me so I can't write about the craziness I see going on.
Nothing in my life has changed. I'm all settled in my apartment, nothing to report there. My job is still pissing me off, so nothing new there either! lol I did make a lot of $ at work this week which allows me to get some overtime, so my next 2 paychecks SHOULD be on point. So I guess that's a good thing, but my boss is a cheapskate so we'll see how that goes!
I am happy though that I do have a job, have a place to lay my head and it's safe and clean and a nice car to drive. Lord please forgive me if this is at all negative. It's been a rough couple weeks. I'm looking for a church to go to in Altamonte if anyone knows one. 


  1. I can relate to some of your comments. It is very difficult to share with others that are new. I wish you luck in finding a good church to attend.

  2. I relate too I am running out of topics also

  3. I know what you mean!! But yay for all the blessings in your life :)
