Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Needing a vacation!

   Wow! What a crazy past week I've had! It started last weekend when I had to pack up my whole entire house to move. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't fun either! I absoulutely hate the moving process. Then I got sick with the flu but still had to go to work and school. Not fun.
   Then last Thursday, I got a call from a friend who has been going through some financial issues and her power got shut off. She has 2 boys and 1 of them is best friends with my son, so obviously I let her stay with me. It was nice having an adult to talk to since my ex boyfriend left. She ended up staying a few more days than planned but it felt good to help someone in need. She was greatly appreciative.
    My next not exciting adventure was problems with my dad. He's elderly and has been having a lot of health issues lately.So he had some problems with the room mates he has now and ended up being taken to the hospital. Now we are awaiting his fate on where he live now. It's pretty scary because he doesn't have any other family except me and my mom, who is actually his ex-wife of more than 20 years. So all day Monday I had to drive all around town doing this and that for him.
    One good thing did come out of all this craziness. I got the apartment I had applied for and I move into it in 2 weeks. I am so excited! Most people have already had multiple places by my age and think nothing of it, but this is the 1st time I have ever lived by myself. I've always lived with room mates, or my mom, and my ex-boyfriend. But I am excited because it will be mine and I'm looking forward to decorating it MY way! :) Good bleesings this year, good blessings!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Patiently waiting

 So today is a new week and I am waiting again. I applied for a new apartment on Friday and was suppose to hear from them Saturday and here it is Monday, and still no word. I have been unpatiently waiting for new things to happen in my life for the last 6 months. I know the old saying "All good things come to those who wait" but I feel like I've been waiting all my life! lol I think it's also my savior above giving me more patience.
 He knows how much I need this change and I feel blessed. He knows whats right for me so as of now, I will wait for Him to make his decision. I packed my whole house this weekend and what an emotional thing. It was so hard packing up the last 5 years of life and throwing out things that meant so much. I pretty much cried the whole weekend.
 But I am so ready to move forward with my life. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity of the past 5 years because it now shows me what not to go for or do with the next relationship. This experience has definitely changed some things in me. Hopefully from all this pain and heartache will come something better than I could imagine. It has made me a very stronger person.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 Is anyone out there good at writing papers? I need help coming up with a topic to write for my medical insurance verification/billing class. The topic is due tonight. Sorry for the delay but it's hard getting to a computer unless I'm at work. So my topic has to be on this new affordable healthcare act that Obama has set forth. Maybe I could write it on how it affects those who actually can not afford to pay for insurance right now. I'm one of them! Can't afford to get healthcare so don't go to the dr unless it's an actual dyer emergency!!! I went to the E.R. about 5 years ago for bronchitis but I felt like I felt like I was dyeing! So let me know if this sounds like a good plan?
  O.k. so I found a subject to write on and now comes the fun part! Doing all the research and then putting it all together. I found out some interesting things in class about this act. They may change it to where if you don't pay for the insurance and don't pay the fees applied with not having the insurance, you could go to jail!!! What kind of ridiculousness is that? (I put that nicely)
  I think the only thing that might interest me in doing all this research is knowing what kind of consequences I may face. It would be nice to know if I would end up in jail or paying out the wazoo!
So, if anyone has any special pointers for this paper easier to write or some special sites I might get more info to make this paper better, let me know. Enjoy your week everyone!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My first blog

  So this is my 1st blog. Never done anything like this before so let's see where this goes. Wonder who will find me on here if anyone? This is may be hard for me as I do not have a lot to talk about. I am a simple person who just walks the world and takes life one day at a time. Hopefully this experience will allow me to open up more about things that are going on in my life and get feedback as to how to handle them easier.
  I have a lot going on in my world right now. I'm having to become a new person. I have been given so many challenges in life. Had guys who were jerks and a baby daddy who hasn't seen his son since he was 3! Devoted the last 5 years to a man who came home one day and said he was leaving, and not just leaving, but leaving with another women. Now at 35, I'm doing the school thing, living alone, all while trying to find new ways to support me and my son.
  So if anyone knows any apartments or houses for rent in the Lake Brantley school district for under $800, hit me up! So this is  me. These are the things that I feel today. Hopefully my next blog will be more uplifting and I'll have more positive things to say. Good night! :)